Sunday, March 05, 2006

A Day of Fun at the Oscars Red Carpet Bleachers

Just got home from a long sunny day of fun at the Academy Awards Red Carpet at the Kodak Theatre. I was among the 300 fans sitting in the bleachers. What I didn't realize was that 22,000 people from all over the world applied for the bleachers drawing. I feel so lucky to be among those randomly selected! Josh and I were on the second row right in the middle section of the bleachers. It was so exciting and at times a bit overwhelming to be only a few feet away from celebrities – we couldn’t take pictures fast enough. While all of the celebrities posed for and passed by us, some actually came over to us and said hello and shook our hands -- George Clooney, Matt Dillon, Ben Stiller (was able to get his autograph), Nancy O’Dell and Lisa Rinna. We all went nuts, of course!! The person I wanted to see the most - Joaquin Phoenix – rushed by so quickly that we didn’t get a chance to snap a picture of him.

Will be posting lots of pictures in a couple of days! Please check back.

The winners of the Academy Awards can be found right here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Romely, that is SOOOOOO cool! I would be delirious with shock & excitement!

March 06, 2006 8:26 AM  
Blogger Romely said...

I was in shock and stunned the whole entire day!! It was definitely an experience.

March 06, 2006 12:35 PM  
Blogger Candes said...

My turn to go! Do you have any tips? I will have seats in the mid 300 range. Are those really bad? Will I not be able to get autographs from there?

I have a compact olympus zoom camera. Is that counted as the forbidden telescoptic cameras?

February 18, 2008 8:51 PM  

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